Purina™ Veterinary Diets® brand veterinary diet formulas have been formulated as nutritional aids in the dietary management of dogs and cats with certain health conditions. Available only through a veterinarian, each Purina™ Veterinary Diet formula is backed by extensive Purina™ research and provides a proper balance of total nutrients while meeting special dietary needs.
The Pets Doc Veterinary Clinic carries a full variety of Purina™ Veterinary Diets® for both cats and dogs. These pet foods are specifically designed to address certain health issues your pets may develop throughout their lives. In addition, we offer a Purina™ starter kit for your puppy or kitten that includes a free book, a free 4 pound supply of puppy or kitten food, and a $25.00 check that you can use at The Pets Doc Veterinary Clinic.
To find out more about the different Purina™Veterinary Diets®, please ask one of our staff about the advamtages of good nutrition for your pet